Thursday, February 9, 2017

IsaBody Challenge #1 - Finished! 1/22/17

Today was the last day of my first IsaBody challenge. (I do have to upload "maintenance" pictures the last week of February, since that's when the challenge period officially ends.) I've seen some people say they didn't complete the challenge, which I guess just means they stopped buying the product, since you don't have to meet any goals other than stay active by purchasing 100 BV (business volume) per month and 500 BV over the 16 weeks (which means you really need 125 BV a month, at least; the 30-day system is 165 BV so you're pretty well covered if you go with that). So probably sometime in March or April I'll get a $200 product credit and a t-shirt.

Meanwhile, over the course of the challenge I lost a total of 36.5 lbs. and 52 inches. A lot of my clothes that were snug (at best) are now officially too big, although I have a lot of very forgiving clothes that I can still wear for now. My boyfriend jeans, that I loved but could only wear for a short time before they got too tight, are now falling off of me; they'll have to go to the donate pile. I'm a little sad about that, in a way.

I signed up right away for another challenge. I'm buying the products anyway, might as well get some $$$ for doing it. I've also signed up for a HealthyWager, to lose 60 lbs. in 8 months. I need to get the official starting weight/video/photos for that done yet. If I complete that challenge (it costs $25/month), I win $825.24 ($625.24 above the monthly fees). I think with Isa I can do it.

I'm also signing up for a Color Run 5K, with my mom, sister, and niece. It's not a timed event, and my niece is 7 so it won't be a fast run, but it should be fun and training for it will get me moving more. (I am going to run some of it, if not the entire thing.) I'll be looking for at least one other 5K to do this year, a 'real' one, as I think I said before probably the Run Scream Run if they have it this year (I'm guessing they will, but the website is still for 2016). I found an app called "Zombies, Run!" which I might try a little later, although I'm worried it might freak me out too much. (I can't decide if I need to avoid zombies or face that demon!)

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